
Cezariusz Gadzina “Saxafabra”

Cezariusz Gadzina –  soprano, alto & C melody saxophone
Ludovic Jeanmart – soprano & alto saxophone
Luc Mischalle – soprano, tenor & bass saxophone
Véronique Delmelle – baritone & alto saxophone
Pieter Nevejans – tuba
Rida Stitou –  krakeb, bendir, tbel
Babs Jobo –  tama, djembe, congo
Jo Zanders –  cajón, pandeiro, riq, caxixi’s, triangle, alfaia, frame drums,
Dirk Wachtelaer – snare drum, cymbals, bells

De Werf Records, 2007, W.E.R.F 061

1. Taat
2. Ir Blues
3. Otoa
4. Veluma
5. Kamee
6. Daily Sax
7. Malten
8. Metal Caravan

You can taste the music from this CD

1. Taat
4. Veluma

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