
Cezariusz Gadzina “MOSTY”

Cezariusz Gadzina – soprano and alto saxophone
Robert Majewski – trumpet, flugelhorn
Maciej Sikała – tenor saxophone
Grzegorz Nagórski – trombone, euphonium
Cezary Paciorek – accordion
Paweł Pańta – double bass
Piotr Iwicki – percussions
Cezary Konrad – drums

Universal Music, 2017, 578 120 3

1. Hid
2. Tulay
3. Brugge
4. Daraja
5. Dildey
6. Jambatan
7. Zubia
8. Pod

You can taste the music from this CD

1. Hid
4. Daraja
7. Zubia

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